Moon says
"Be a Miller's Ark Megastar like me!"
Last year as many of you will know, I had a horrid time when I was taken from the farm and my mum. Coming home after that was beyond amazing for me and I know the news brought happiness all round the world.
So many of you have asked since then how you can support me and my friends. So I got to thinking and have come up with a new and exciting sponsorship opportunity called
"Miller's Ark Megastars"
By becoming a Megastar you can really make a difference to me, my friends and the Miller's Ark team.
It was difficult with so many animals deciding who to choose for sponsorship (and there have been some arguments lol), but in the end we decided on one of us representing each group.
I (of course) am the representative of the DONKEYS....
For the HORSES we chose Daisy, who is the biggest...
And Whisper, because she's been with Elizabeth the longest..30 years!
For the SHEEP it wasn't too difficult, as all the animals love Barclay like you do, so we voted unanimously for him.
Who would represent the GOATS involved a long and heated discussion, as there are so many goats, but in the end we settled on little Samson, who was born with everything against him, but is now a cheeky cheerful little guy.
Radiance had to be the one for the COWS....a beautiful and gentle Belted Galloway mama..
For the PIGS, we chose little William, the runt of Augusta's last litter. He loves a tummy tickle.
It costs £50 a year to be a Megastar or £5 a month for 12 months.
If your pocket money doesn't quite stretch to this, then we have Dave the turkey stag (dad) representing the birds. Dave usually struts his stuff in the centre of the farm on open days with his wife Davina. He's a very cool dude.
To support Dave and all the birds is just £2 a month or £25 a year.
Whoever you support, you will receive a great picture of the animal you choose from my list and their fab badge or fridge magnrt, plus three newsletters a year updating you on all our news. So remember...
Near or far,
be a Miller's Ark Megastar!
Click a link below to sign up and support me and my farmyard friends, and then email
elizabeth@millersark.co.uk to let us know the following:
Your name and address
Your email
Which animal you are sponsoring
Whether you would like a badge or fridge magnet
Sponsor the animals
£50 Yearly
£5 Monthly, for 12 months
Sponsor the birds
£25 Yearly
£2.50 Monthly, for 12 months